Sunday, January 20, 2013

Honey, Boo Boo. Yes, I am going there!

At the risk of offending people, I am coming out of the Boo Boo closet. I do watch this show, and I am going to tell you why. I am listing these in no specific order.
* This family is tighter than a gnats butt. They are ALWAYS together. They drive each other crazy but they will be going to that crazy house together.
* June, keeps her house CLEAN. It is a very modest little house, literally RIGHTON the railroad tracks. The network their show is on offered them a larger house, but the family refused it, because they live THERE. That is their house and they are happy there. I respect that.
* June also banked all but what was needed to buy a used SUV from the money that Alana was paid last year. How many child TV personalities can say that?
* Even though Alana is in pageants, and does win sometimes, their mother pushes the "true beauty is on the inside" line of thought. This was proved when the oldest daughter gave birth to a daughter with an extra thumb, an admittedly minor birth defect, but about which June stated, "Every baby is born with something special, and this is hers!". Good attitude, and her kids followed suit.
* June clips coupons to make "Sugar Bear"'s income go farther. And they clip and shop as a family.
* They know they are funny. They know what people are laughing at. They are not stupid. Kind of ignorant at times, but even then, they KNOW that they don't know, and make that funny. Who hasn't laughed at somebody who farted? Or stepped in dog poop? This is LIFE. THIS is the reality show.

All that being said, the older girls are a little rude sometimes, (what teen isn't), and I think June maybe takes Sugar Bear for granted. But every family has their crap. Compared to some "reality" TV family/ shows, I will take Honey Boo Boo and her family over any of the others. That's real.

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