Onto the most recent reads.
I have always been fascinated by all things JFK and JKO, and this book did not disappoint. Although it is plainly stated that it is a novel, it is written from the point of view of Jackie, starting from the time that Jack and Jackie meet. The book is written so well that Jackie's voice as narrator is very believable. I found myself hoping that this is actually how she felt about things, and that these conversations did in fact happen. The author does take liberties with some facts, but she explains when and why at the end of the book, and those changes do make sense. Overall, I felt this novel was an enjoyable read, and added a human aspect to historical figures.

I also listened to The Goldfinch on Audible. It was a loooong 32 hours. I have started this book 3 times and finally finished. The Goldfinch received a lot of reviews and so I thought I should try to finish it. Sometimes I rebel and don't finish a book that many people find amazing, just because I don't like it. Life is just too short. But The Goldfinch had just enough to keep me coming back, and the freaking pandemic gave me 32 hours. So I finished it. And I am glad I got through it. It turns out that the Goldfinch is a painting. There are so many twists and turns in this story, but they are well done, and just when you think you know what will happen, something else occurs. The bottom line, in my opinion, this is a long story, but hang in there, it is worth it.

That is what is what I'm reading now.
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