Anyway, in that time, we thought we'd be planning a wedding. That is not happening. Time and clarity reveal this to be a blessing in disguise. Amanda had to leave school, which was a hard adaption, emotionally and physically. She got a good job, what she thought was her dream job, then got somewhat screwed out of it. Very hurtful time. Now she has another job, making decent money, but is not what she is interested in at all. However, her big time, big girl, job is on the horizon, and she has peace waiting for it, knowing God has her best interests at heart
Sarah started at Aveda Institute, two weeks ago. She likes it but is already tired of the classroom portions. She's raring to go. She just hates it when anyone says "beauty school", and I agree. It is so much more than that. and the program is 1 year long! I can say that we did have some fun when she came home with 4 heads in a bag. She has natural talent for this and will do well, I know.
Emily turned 15 a week ago and got her cell phone. I know, I'm one of those mean moms. She was very excited and I and very excited that I have unlimited data on my phone plan.
The point of this post is that two years ago, or even one year ago we all had different plans. Plans change. You just don't know what the path ahead of you will lead you to. I can say that with the things that have happened to our family, my girls have learned that flexibility is an invaluable character trait. And when things get rough, you don't bail out. You buckle down and do your part. And I love each of them for that.