Thursday, March 26, 2015

Some much stuff....

I have so many things in my head right now that it's been a little bit difficult deciding what to blog about. There are a lot of things that I want to say a little bit about, and a few things that I want to say A LOT about, but for various reasons, (the law, good manners) I cannot. So, here I am with a jumble of thoughts to share with you.

A close friend's husband is facing a medical crisis. I say crisis, because that is truly what it is. While his kids are technically grown, they lost their mother very young, so he is their only biological parent. I have not been friends with her husband, in fact, our friendship at times was strained by the fact that her husband and I did not see eye to eye on many things. Instead of creating friction, we just let some distance grow, but we always knew that we were there for each other, and more importantly, we were there for each other's children. Now He is very ill, and although we will never be close, I do not wish this for him, or anyone. I want to be able to be there for them both, and their children. And this is where it gets complicated. Now that I can't drive. I have to learn new ways to support my friends in their times of need. Before, I would go to the hospital and bring lunch, or pick up kids, or bring a meal, or whatever. Now I have to get creative. Cards, and texts, and just my words sometimes have to be enough. Knowing that I am praying for them in their situation takes on new meaning. When I say it, I truly mean it, because sometimes, that's all I have to offer. And many times that has to be enough.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Weddings and such......

     Some know, some don't, my oldest is engaged to be married, but not until 2017. There is a whole story and mess that goes along with the engagement that doesn't bear examining again. Suffice to say that it could have been handled better by everyone involved, and and let's leave it there. You are stupid when you are young, and that's just how it is. Everyone involved has worked to get past hurt feelings and to forget the things we maybe should not have said. ( That was not me, of course.😉) Her fiance is and was part of the family. As long as he remembers that he has used up his do-over. Lol.

     Anyway, now we are looking at venues. And dresses. And veils. And so on. And I want so much for every single thing to be special and meaningful for her. I want every word spoken to come from the heart. And every photo taken to make SOMEONE go "Awwwww!". I want her sisters to get along (hey, they have 2 years! They can all grow up by then, right??) I want ....... And there is the kicker. I want. Most of the time our problem is that we are TOO alike, so I am hoping that in planning a wedding, that could be a positive, right??
     In looking at Pinterest, otherwise known as the Devil, I came across a site that had some really good ideas for making a wedding a personal affair, not just a money wasting show. I am not telling because we may use A LOT of these, but the point is, there are people who want to be personal in their weddings again, and that makes me teary. We obviously are not wealthy, and do not pretend to be. I do know some Jonses', but they tend to screw up a lot, and I don't want to keep up with that. (not YOU! The other Jonses'!!)  My point, and I have several, is that I love weddings where the people LOVE each other, and you can see it. They want to celebrate it, and want you to celebrate it too. That's my goal. And I hope it's Amandas's goal too. 

     Spoiler: God is gonna be there! I know him! I know him!😂😂